Throughout your travels at Philmont, you’ll be going through some of the different “settlements” that are on this vast property. All over the back country are camps and trading posts that are staffed full-time, where you can buy anything from gear to food. Yes, the country is beautiful and the hiking is what you really came here for, but when you find a trading post in the middle of nowhere that sells candy, it’s a little like heaven on earth.
Philmont recommends that each person in a crew brings about $20 with them on their trek. This cash will be more than enough to pay for any little items you may want when you get to these back country outposts, such as candy, matches, or stove fuel.
In case of large purchases, you can also do a “trail charge”. This means that you take the item from the trading posts on credit, and pay your bill when you return to base camp. It’s a great option if something breaks, or a piece of your gear is damaged while you’re on the trail.