7. Travel Plans
Philmont Scout Ranch is located on the edge of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains (Spanish for Blood of Christ). No matter how you plan on traveling to Philmont, you need to make sure that your contingent files a Tour Permit. If you are not sure how this is done, contact your unit’s Outdoor Chairman. Please visit Scouting.org to answer any of your questions regarding tour permits.
No matter how you travel to Philmont, you need to know when to arrive. Philmont Crew Expedition Numbers are based on their arrival day. There are crews arriving and departing Philmont every day. If your expedition number is 717-A, that means that your arrival day is July 17.
If you can, try to spend the night before somewhere within 2 to 3 hours of travel time to Philmont. This way you can wake up refreshed in the morning and arrive before lunch.
To make the best of your Philmont experience, be at the Welcome Center between the hour of 8am to 9am. This will maximize your Preparation time in Base Camp with your Ranger it will make sure you have enough time to address any last minute issues that pop up.
While traveling keep the following in mind:
- Make sure you keep a copy of your tour permit with you, you are required to present it upon arrival at Philmont.
- It is recommended that everyone travels in their Field Uniform, or in the same uniform.
- Remember that you are representing the Boy Scouts of America. Show some pride! Make sure that you are exemplifying the Scout Oath and Law. Poorly behaved scouts sets a bad precedence those following .
- Make sure that your contingent is following the buddy system. It is for everyone’s safety. The buddy system is used the entire time you are at Philmont.
- Tobacco should not be used while seen in public or where scouts can see it used.
- Always call prior to arrival to solidify your travel accommodations.
The Boy Scouts of America strongly recommends professional transportation services due to their excellent safety records and routine safety inspections. The most common way to travel to Philmont is by Driving, Flying, or taking the Train. Each mode of transportation has it’s own unique planning.