Shipping Stoves


The TSA says, “Camp stoves can travel as carry-on or checked luggage only if they are empty of all fuel and then cleaned such that no fuel vapors or residue are noticeable.”

With the technology used in airports these days, you’ll have a tough time getting your stoves through the security checkpoint if they are not brand new. What you will need to do is ship your stoves and empty fuel bottles to and from Philmont.

You need to completely empty your stove of any fuel remaining inside of it. Then you need to clean the stove and fuel bottles in hot soapy water. Rinse at least twice to get all the soap out. Leave the fuel container open and let it air-dry for at least 12 hours.

While you are cleaning your fuel bottles, make sure that you are inspecting them as well. If you stove is not new, check the o-rings on both the bottle and the pumps. Philmont does not sell the necessary o-rings nor will you be guaranteed time to repair them while you are in base camp. Make sure you purchase a maintenance kit and do this before you leave for your trek.

Once your stove and fuel bottles have dried, pack them in the shipping box.  Write your crew number in large print on each side of the package. Only the person(s) that the package is addressed to can pick it up at the Mail Room. Address it to all of your adult advisers and ship it to:

Your Name and Other Advisers Names
Your Expedition Number (ex. 717-A1)
47 Caballo Road
Cimarron, NM 87714

When you pick up your stove from the mail room, store the box you shipped it in inside of your crew locker or personal vehicles. You will need to repeat the cleaning process before the mail room will accept the return shipment.